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That's what he sent to me:

You are f**king done you nasty pile of scum protecting all your nasty vile islamophobic c**ts while they span the news with propaganda, you are so f**king biased I will be back you cannot stop me from this site you fuvking loser, back now

Fucking refill me now you f**king ujseless kunt how can supoport be given when that happens as you arr nothing but a f**king stupid little child f**king bring me back you f**king c**t

sort out your f**king site then you horrible nasty terrrorist supporting scumbag, un f**king 7 day block me nowe or f**king else you fiucking nazi supporting muslim hating peice of sh*t, NOW

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@Dr.Evil This is the only person I've ever block anywhere. And reblocked him when blocks were lifted here that one time.

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@Bread&Circuses Me too... smiley

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@Dr.Evil Wow.

I don't know how anyone could justify that kind of hatred and then claim they are for peace.

This makes me sick.

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@ Hahahahaha jesus sweet effin christ RB your hypocrisy is hilarious, way to throw the little nuttball under the bus, after suspending people here and removing their content on HIS behalf you feign disgust at his little rant to Doc, the very same rants you've seen from him a hundred times to other people yet did NOTHING but suspend the people he was attacking instead because he was your friend.
lmfao you're a disgustingly two faced LIAR and it's delicious to watch smiley

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@Dr.Evil Oh my goodness smiley I can't believe they actually sent this to you! smiley smiley

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@Dr.Evil Lmfao that sh*t's funny.

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banned for spam, about 30 comments promoting other sites

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I admire you and your good qualities, p.s. lovely to see people still interested in Hinduism, the Hari Krishna's in my state are more interested in making money from people :( that makes me quite sad, as I have had many good encounters with them and happen to veer towards that as far as "religion" but alas no one is perfect lol nice to read your profile. You're a beaming light in a dark sky ! smiley

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@cuppatea☕️ Thank you very much although to notice those qualities if I am honest with myself, best seen outside of the news as I have so much incredible passion for all kinds of rights and equality despite my own actual opinions I always seem to get the better of me in that area so I was thinking what qualities :D but then as you mention Hinduism and aspects of spirituality then it kinds of makes sense other spiritual peoples can see what others cannot at times, thanks.

Unfortunately when I looked up the Hinduism locations in my area they seem to be the same, some kind of odd subscription(in my area at least) and a regular payment. more for me I did not understand the membership form so just have a few spiritual books on Hinduism and Buddhism and am thinking of looking at the local Buddhist centre in my area, donation or none at all, but I think that will be better for me how I like to spend more on good food than going outside partying and such things, stopped buying games mostly and
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@KiaZi The best and worst thing about other people is that they see you clearly, they see things you won't like you mentioned...and in this case it was all good things, your response sounded like something I would say lol perhaps you are just aware of yourself and don't know which version I was speaking of. You came across as enlightened and you spoke of the Bhagavad Gita which is my favorite or favourite book in the world :) or universe or multiverse, what have you. On my birthday this year, it was a culmination of horrible things and I tried to go shopping (to be happy I guess) and it didn't reach me, I was more miserable and the material things weren't having any effect so I had fun alone in the park but the sad part was when I voluntarily went to give some of my money to the Hari Krishnas, showed the guy my Brahma tattoo and he was more interested in asking me to give MORE money...despite me talking to him like a real and decent human, I explained it was my bday and it sucked but I was being positive and just wanted to donate something to them...I usually always give whatever spare money I have to them (wanting nothing in return) after I had said that about my bday, the guy goes into a full sale's pitch about how it's the perfect time to spend my money there and on myself ! I said I just gave you any spare money I have...I'm not giving anything else and he replies 'we take credit cards too' I not only had a bad day but I was floored that this guy was so heartless and after money...when I said no, he didn't even say have a nice day or anything you say to another human and he was a HINDU, that might not mean something to him but in our book it literally speaks of how we are meant to experience life and not focus on material things...this guy didn't even have an ounce of decency in him and his goal was money. ...
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A return belated Happy Birthday 2u!!! smiley

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@QueenDeleona Thank you very much, that is a very good wall graffiti find, or shutter graffiti as the base they have sprayed in that picture, excellent!

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@KiaZi Somebody knows about graff?!? Uh oh are trying to become my friend!?! LOL smiley

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what country best fits that one I wonder?

thought by me and quite ready to use instead of headlines (example) US aggression strikes again to Christian Terrorist forces strike again
also when they call out a priest or other positions, I will change from (example) priest arrested, more christian abuse in the churches and so on, i mean bigotry seems to be allowed towards Muslims so why not bigotry towards Christians then, or will there be a bias to shut me down but allow vile hatred towards Islam ever still.

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@KiaZi Obviously looking in the news nothing like that has been done yet but mostly it is just how it should be if we are being completely on par with users and news that is extreme but then we are never as fearful or as bad as those who continue to post bigoted news when decent people know it is wrong and cease not persist or are all US crimes Christian terrorism, cannot have it one way just to have an enemy all while doing business with countries like Saudi that have abused faith and are barbaric, what confused are we right wing oddballs, well you cannot hate a religion while also accepting your president doing business with a country in corruption of abuse of that same religion just because weapons are being sold, hatred of a religion all because most that land has vast resources to steal as ever, and good people know I am not anti american, just anti domination of the world and without consent from the American US populous to do so, aggressive governments all over the place but none of us have to wake up with battleships pointing our way every day! people need to wake up to the this push for total control and join the world to say no we do not agree with controlling the whole world, it belongs to all of us, some in the US do fight back but haters call them anti-American, they are the Anti-Americans to be so narrow minded, without Immigration without permission or force, where would USA be today!

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@PriscillaParadox Good picture thank you, this makes a change from some of the nasty pics with news and such atatched with Omar around the web, perhaps that should be the logo/meme for democrats, make America human again

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Sorry all energy is worn out from my web searching and it is time for sleep/recharge of vital functions for another day

on a last note, i am awaiting my first Singing pyramid and excited for that to arrive, not tomorrow is Sunday deliveries 95% of the time in the UK but hope those who like odd sounds enjoy this sound/video as much as I do, I think mine is a smaller pyramid but got to start somewhere and really enjoying the lasting vibes from these things

Goodnight to all

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hey man. smiley

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Like your new look!
Just dropped in to share something you prolly already know.

The 33rd birthday is a mystical year. It seems we comprehend so much that was unknown. Christ was crucified and resurrected in his 33rd year...
symbolism in the Bible is profound...

I can see you are unfolding like the lotus. Namaste.

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@ThomasinaPaine Found this also

The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is 33.

The second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa, meaning "of the 33 (gods)."

The number of incarnations the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is said to embody
The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.

Lag Ba'omer is a minor Jewish holiday which falls on the 33rd day of the Omer

Jesus' age when he was crucified.

According to Al-Ghazali the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33.

Islamic prayer beads are generally arranged in sets of 33, corresponding to the widespread use of this number in dhikr rituals. Such beads may number thirty-three in total or three distinct sets of thirty-three for a total of ninety-nine, corresponding to the names of God.

As I have some awareness as not a boast just the more extra time and distractions that I have not in my life like others, my 33rd year has been something weird for me, weird as in many other times I have tried certain things but some like straight back posture and better meditations have been aplenty better in this 33rd year of mine, some say its at this time most messages are sent forth towards humans, the actual prime of life some could say, I have wasted a lot of life without being aware like I am now, mostly since June my area known as the third eye has been more stimulated this year definitely, can almost feel something stirring in that place while in meditations and even reading deep spiritual and religious books, I have managed to get to half lotus position/sitting stance this year also, and I am getting used to it for longer periods of times.
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Ok so Rik Mayall bought me up a bit more than real people, i like face pulling :D:D:D

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Trump Trump Trump or the KKK whatever you want to call extreme trumpers and the rise of KKK people around the world.

Hate crimes associated with both Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have shown an increase in recent years. But is there an association between the two?

American antagonism toward Islamic and Jewish traditions goes back nearly 500 years, and shares some unfortunate connections.

From time to time, Muslims and Jews have both been viewed as being antithetical to certain ideas of Americanism.

nativism – an effort to protect the position of native-born citizens from perceived threats by immigrants – has periodically erupted in the US since at least the early 19th century. These nativist beliefs have led to bias, exclusion and even violence against different religious groups who immigrated to America.

Although Jews had faced discrimination since first settling in Europe’s North American colonies in the 17th century, they were not depicted as a racial threat until around 1900.
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@KiaZi I agree
and this site tends to be very opposite of compassion,, so suggestion, start blocking people that consistently throw insults and horrible prejudices around like they're balloons at a birthday party..
We can only block 10 people and have to do each; 24 hours apart so blocking all the cacapoopooheads, takes 10 days.. but each person blocked, it gets quieter and calmer and we don't have to face the crap they throw around like monkeys throwing their poo in a zoo..

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@WhirledPeas That is a good suggestion thank you to remind me, the problem here seems to be, and these are just my thoughts, more and more members are appearing as I block that also post from the exact same sources and hate, I sometimes think that is done on purpose from some so they can always see, as some posts from some users are just too quick for being blocked and not able to see, 10 is such a small number even for a lower number of members site like this, it at some point I hope should be advanced so that games are excluded from ban if only input is to that game, and blocks towards news and also movies if aggression steeps towards there as well.

Although I have heard the other site that will be like a reddit with channels to follow perhaps, so most of here will be dissolved and not needed if the other site is done right, will news and content feed be just as for the most voted upon or more advanced(perhaps in stages) so that each members experience is for the news they subscribe to, with a tick box option to only display news you have subscribed for, and if by own will and courage venture at will towards the dark side as right and left would call it.
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By the 1920s, the idea that Jews represented a separate, foreign race that threatened the US had become prevalent among the Protestant majority. The Ku Klux Klan in that decade focused on anti-Semitism just as strongly as anti-Catholic nativism and anti-black racism.

KKK speakers and publications described Jews as unwilling to racially and culturally assimilate to an essentially white and Protestant America. (Sounds very familiar with general trumpers and bigots around the world today, speaking like the KKK, be aware how you are equally antisemitic as well as Islamophobic when you speak like KKK members without the clothes to spot you out!)

Klan membership peaked at perhaps four million throughout the nation, not simply the South. On August 8, 1925, approximately 40,000 uniformed KKK members marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in a show of strength and assertiveness. Men and women wearing white caps and carrying American flags marched past a vast crowd that watched for three hours, publicly demonstrating the Klan’s strength and implicitly advocating their nativist agenda.
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Popularisation of Islamophobia

As with Jews, pre-existing antipathies exploded into public view when enough Muslim migrants arrived. While Muslims had been part of the US since its founding, they weren’t as evident in public spaces.

Before the end of the transatlantic slave trade in 1807, as many as one African in five enslaved and brought to the US was Muslim. Owners often disallowed Islamic practice and many converted slaves to Christian traditions. Hence, Americans had little awareness of their country’s Muslim heritage for a long time.

The first large-scale immigration of Muslims visible to most Americans only occurred once the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act abolished immigration quotas. Before then, racist limits restricted arrivals from all but certain European countries.

Many Americans presumed Muslims to be Arab or Turkish. Negative stereotypes portraying them as violent and hedonistic were prevalent since at least the founding of the republic.

The response of many officials and other Americans to the attacks of September 11, 2001 helped further popularise images of Muslims based on racist and Islamophobic ideas.
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@KiaZi at the time of 'Jesus', there was no word or real understanding of the term 'virgin',, and the 'fatherless birth' was made up later for effect and control ..
btw,, there are several things he's saying that aren't history and he's mixing up some of his history timings in some of his examples..
It's a good listen but not totally accurate..
AND, I hate saying this but it's exactly like all the evangelical stuff I listened to my whole childhood... All religions with one God, pretty much hate all the other religions with one God.. so anything said in the name of one God, to me, is full of caca... judgement is judgement no matter which religion is claiming they're right and no one else understands God/Allah but them..
Well, 'God' speaks in all languages and like a diamond with infinite number of facets, few people can see into more than one facet at a time ,, so to claim that they(anyone) have the only truth is only interpreting a tiny portion.. my opinion...
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@WhirledPeas tried to post a picture but it won't load.. bummer.. I have the hardest time following all the changes that keep happening.. and now, I can't use quotations because they don't show up " " ,, they show up with the word Quote on either side of what I put in quotations..

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@WhirledPeas The speaker in question may of gotten a few tings out of the time context but I found this to cooberate some of the bits they had banned.

Also please give some examples also if you would give the time if you chose, I only heard the full message underneath of that it is not evil people but they do not even praise Jesus for any real purpose, I had to research fast once I found this as A lot of this is substantiated just also out of time frames, with perhaps missing context, Not sure you sound like you perhaps know something to tell but that is of your own choosing, of course I would like to hear but its no bother if it perhaps may conflict if you feel with what I think, but full on truth would be that either can display without too much anger, I may sound confusing there but I mean no harm, oh yeah the link to some of what I found well only one link, not one to push too much on these things, as well, my relatives will still do Christmas and it is just a thing that happens, Although the materialism on display here and there in the world during that time of year they were spot on in the video, its not a good thing to teach, from my opinion anyway :)

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almost forgot that one, not too much but some of whatthey were talking about, but yes sounds out of time-frame perhaps and a bit mixed

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@WhirledPeas Well said, indeed.

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Never fear~ Trump is a temporary Benedict Arnold.

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@KiaZi I'll come back and watch this,, I saw you posted it earlier this month(?) and then I forgot to watch and now I'm too tired.. but thanks for the link..

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@WhirledPeas Good thing with Mufti Menk is not at once because some videos may make one say but this and that but a multitude of his lectures and he seems to be calling for a most peaceful message, even those not looking for Islam or Qur'an still get something, a little bit of truth, well quite a bit, i am not a Muslim like others think but understand much more how Jewish, Christians are persecuted just as Muslims are now from reading into Qur'an, its all the same just another religion to hate, Mufti is much separated from the extremists pv posts and such, i also do not heed attention to those extremists they post and only go for mufti most of the time he seems to be full of happy smiles when he gets going, some of his examples may be a bit off but he means all good

also this was a good find i thought, not interested in votes on news so save you a search :)



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