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Ok,brexit was passed.-anyone very affected by this?or bugged? (1464 views, 71 replies)

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YES,it was such a biggie in world news,maybe lousy US news didn't get it.ENGLAND IS OUTTA THE EU!!REACTIONS? WHAT matters to you?England is really a powerful country.--The EU really fought to keep it.--but I read interviews of many voters,the immigrant problem was a big deal to many work-class and middle class voters.--and they named it as a good reason to vote Brexit.--There was even a really loud poster,showing hordes of people streaming in-and the big words "OUT OF CONTROL."--Something like that.

But also, there were worries from people who said,"Has England shot itself in the foot,by voting in Brexit?"--what good things of the EU will now disappear?It was a good interview following real voters,asking why they voted yes or no.I recommend "Sky news."It was on my android.(The android also had the entire 75 Year Commeration of WW2,with tons of veterans,and a long speech by Pres. ...
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Dont really notice it here in Norway because we are thankfully not a part of the EU. Im guessing they are feeling it more in Germany and more of the eastern european countries.

Edit: Also anything big corporations are against, im usually for. They lobbyed hard against it and spread propaganda trying to stir fear, but my guess is that nothing of value is really going to change and in the end the positives are going to out weigh the negatives by stimulating growth in the little guy that isnt part of hollyweird.

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@notenoughmovies That sounds logical about big corporations.I read other nations outside the EU did better financially than countries in the EU.--so we[ll see.

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@clarachan1355 reading ur post just now and am sorry but i have to correct you ! its not england thats out the eu its scotland , Ireland ,england and wales 🇨🇰 IE BRITAIN

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@chaseyerself OUCH!!!SORRY!!BAD HABIT!! the UK!! really apologise!!


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It can't affect anyone yet. It's not been implemented.

Of course whatever happens will affect a lot of people in the UK (England, Scotland and Wales) and Ireland.


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Democracy rules. The CBI and big businesses were predicting recession and a huge economic crash if Corbyn won the 2017 general election...hell even when opinion polls said he had a chance of grabbing power the markets panicked. So, do the we also refuse to implement a general election? You have just as many valid reasons to as remainders claim they have for scrapping Brexit.

To me it can be the start of genuine fascism and not the type you hear screeched by students at Tory MPs and Trump supporters.


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...I'll just quickly add that businesses and politicians predicted we'd hit a recession and be on the outside of influence of the European Union if we didn't change our currency to the Euro in the late 90s. They claimed we'd have huge spending cuts and tax hikes, hundreds of thousands of job losses and every household would be £4k a year worse off for just voting for Brexit in 2016...that's the thing about "predictions" whether by "experts" with a vested interest or not, they should never be used to sidestep democracy.

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@MarkRowley Good note; and in interviews with many voters,especially those who voted Brexit, were concerned about democracy.Also immigration came up as a big reason for Brexit.--I heard that many voters felt loss of English control over decisions with EU--(although no control over Parliament was also a complaint.) We Americans hope the very best future for every working person in England, now, and may you ignore the predictions of dire failure.England has held together for centuries thru thick and thin,due to its hardy citizens.May you all have the best future you can dream of!!We Americans wish you the best for the present and future!!--and remember to keep that stiff upper lip.--heh heh. ;) smiley smiley smiley

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@clarachan1355 Those aren't the only concerns.

Apparently a lot of American's don't follow European world history or understand how this might affect working people in the Republic from the UK (not all of Ireland is UK, only a very small portion).

The Good Friday Agreement is one reason for the huge delay in implementation. I'm not even going to go into it. It seems like your comment completely disregards this fact. Please educate yourself on this, this rather than ignoring it and making all about "democracy", it's not.

Another item is, a lot, and I do mean a lot of people in the Republic of Ireland, are from Scotland, England or Wales. They currently have EU citizenship. They have lives here. Many of them will not be able to stay. If they don't have a family connection here, they have to leave, basically. The waiting period for citizenship is huge and the cost is huge (I think around €1200). ...
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@ There is also a lot if Irish in the UK. Would any ROI action be reciprocal?

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@wee40 I'm not sure what you mean?

Do you mean EU ROI Irish living and working in GB if/once Brexit is implemented being forced to leave possibly?

That is a huge issue for any GB National that reside in EU countries. Everyone has a transitional period till December 2020, but after that, EU and Brit alike are not allowed to stay for any length of time without special permissions.

All the talk of buisness aside, this is really devastating for a lot of my British friends who live in France and Spain and Germany. They cannot stay there now. Maybe a temporary work visa if they're lucky, but many people enjoyed the freedom of living within the EU and even buying houses in another EU country.

It's really negative for them.

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@ There are always sufferers :-(

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@ That's truly regrettable about your friends but I know a guy I used to work with in Taunton who lost his job due to the influx of EU nationals enjoying the reversal. Skilled UK workers were dropped for EU nationals who would work for minimum wage, some working there for decades were cast aside and not because their employer needed to desperately cut costs. We had a situation a few years ago when almost 100,000 British nursing applicants to the NHS were turned down for EU nationals. Don't get me wrong every nation needs immigration but people from non EU countries get along just fine living and working in the bloc so I don't think it'll cause that much trouble for your friends though.

From a trading bloc to a superstate with a flag, anthem, president, commission, parliament, court, currency and open borders and not once have we had a say or had a party come to power openly expressing further intergration in their manifestos...that is what brought about Brexit and sadly there are people suffering due to politicians furthering an agenda.

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@MarkRowley Oh gosh, who downvoted you?

I hear you.

I'm only stating that this thread, from a US citizen who doesn't even acknowledge that there are a lot of issues on the table, is grossly dismissive and entirely negligent on all levels, and I feel it's completely inappropriate.

READING alone is absolutely trumped by experience. In every way.

Full stop.

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@MarkRowley so youre saying, its been working the other way also!!

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@clarachan1355 As has been proved, European citizens from outside of the UK have been brought in as cheaper alternative to British workers. Sadly Europhiles tend to scaremonger about how we we will fall apart without them then arguing at the same time that very few workers in vital services are EU nationals so we dont have to fear the argument outweighs fhe other no?

With remoaners/Europhiles you tend to see lies, lies and damned lies. I always remember thejr claims that talk of a single currency was scare tactics and a European for quotes from senior figures about that one. Another one of my favourites is how we'll lose the ability to defend ourselves, despite NATO being not part of the EU powergrab and how the eu shares intelligence with non EU countries already - America, Canada, Australia etc...unless of course those countries are under EU rule which they are not.
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@MarkRowley a flag , an anthem dont hurt anybody.
Then: There is no such thing as an "EU president" or an office of that name.
Further: most peoples dont know a thing about european jurisdiction. First there is the
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR or ECtHR) which is based on the European Convention on Human Rights (that has nothing to do with the EU AT ALL)
THEN there is the European Court of Justice (ECJ)in Luxembourg.
The ECJ ONLY decides about the interpretation of EU regulations & directives. IT IS NOT the highest appeal court to any national courts, that is just the NONSENSE Boris and Co. are telling you.
Any legislative Act of the EU needs to be TRANSFERRED by national parliaments etc. into national law. The EU has brilliant websites EXPLAINING that all in all languages. Voters just did not look at it.And you might have noticed you were just utterly free to not take the EURO and stay with the pound! Thats just what UK did! 99 % of ennglish legislative acts of any kind are purely your decision. Its a myth the EU was touching ANY of UKs souvereignty.
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@Adrian∞ We are also free to vote and leave the European union and that is exactly what we did.

Do pray tell inform us when we voted for the president of the European commission, president of the European parliament and president of the European council?

As for flags and anthems...I suppose you oppose various European countries who have outlawed the national socialist flag and imagery? After all they are harmless and hurt nobody and serve no purpose as you imply...

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@MarkRowley awww come ooooon...
As a deeply convinced believer of the UN human rights charta AND the European Convention on Human Rights AND a green-liberal social democrat I assure you nothing is further away from me than the NAZI-flag and its use. it is outlawed in my country since 1948.
honestly i have some understanding that this highly emotional for you, but using that ole chestnut just because i am german is a bit...ehhh. In every post here i stated the exact opposite.
AND: There IS NO president of the EU! OF COURSE there are the presidents of EU institutions you mentioned - just like there is a president
of any administrative unit anywhere. It was on purpose that no representation of the EU is left to one chancelor, president, premier etc...but the PARLIAMENT.
the EU is a confederation, NOT a federal state.i prefer the term "alliance"!
so pleeease dont compare the EU flag to the Swastika flag.
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@Adrian∞ Did I say you were a Nazi supporter? Show me where I said you were. This again is a typical Europhiles tactics of distortion. I was giving an example of how symbols are used to further a project or political cause and flags and anthems are not always just an innocent imagery.

The EU DOES NOT respect nation states democracy hence why when ever a member state hosts a referendum senior commission figures state beforehand how it might need to be rerun if it doesn't go their way. Hence why the decisions are never accepted when people vote against EU expansion. You want me to provide quotes of EU senior figures saying there should be another UK referendum? How is it respecting democracy by saying people should vote again? You really need to research what democracy and respecting it actually means.

Secondly you have actually no right coming here calling another countries citizens idiotic and uniformed on brexit. We had the longest and most informed campaign in our history, countless TV debates, media coverage, leaflets and in depth analysis...this country has been denied any say on the European expansion for four decades and has been becoming more and more Eurosceptical each passing year, our European parliament results show that as fact. Four million people in a general election just a few short years ago voted for a literal one policy party created to leave the EU - UKIP. You Europhiles live in a bubble ignoring the people then when it bites you in the backside you don't understand it because you didn't care to bother to see it coming. The bigotry and hate from Europhiles is disgusting. Hours after the referendum result a senior group of remain campaigners were branding the elderly a "disgrace" for voting brexit. For voting in a democratic manner in a democratic way they chose, a demographic of UK society that have worked and paid taxes their whole lives are slammed for using their vote because it does not suit the remained cause. You tried it with me mentioning my children, I've paid more taxes, done more for my local community and donated more time, effort and finances to charitable causes but you tried to shame me for voting in a democratic ballot how I saw fit. I take it if somebody said Immigrants in Britain who had the vote were a disgrace for voting remain that you would agree with that bigotry? Remainers also celebrated national figures showing that a certain percentage of old people who voted in 2016 were now dead...Google it.
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@Adrian∞ ...oh and while you are busy falsifying the truth again, in honour of the remain campaign,my offer a quote from the law society -

"The court has powers over EU member states, including deciding if the UK government has breached EU law. Some people feel it is not right for a non-UK based court to have such power.

In the EU system, EU law applies directly in each country and by being a member of the EU we have agreed to let it override our national law"

Also explain why Europhiles took their case to the European court to reverse Brexit after they failed in the British courts? Surely that argument should have ended there within the British legal system according to you?

So, you've called us uninformed, idiots, robbing children of futures...any more toys to throw my friend?

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@MarkRowley Lol shidd, i wrote a long extensive reply to that, it diappeared. I will answer to that again later.
But that is the reason why i dont work as lawyer anymore but as a consultant.
clients that use google for proving they are right. They never were.

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@Adrian∞ Name what it was that you dispute and I'll post the links myself then.

If it is about an EU commissioner trying to reverse a democratic decision then try the very pro-European Guardian newspaper -

Just three of many showing quotes from a senior EU figure stirring the pot and again refusing to accept a nations democratic decision made via a referendum and enforced a year later by a general election.

One of the weakest arguments I encounter are the "...I won't prove you wrong because I can't but you are using *Google/Daily Mail/The Sun/Fox news etc etc so I am going to use that as an the way didn't you use Google on this very page to back up one of your points that the British public were clueless about the referendum? Bit hypocritical of you no? To quote your post from two days ago -
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@MarkRowley Nursing application have been dropping for years, even more so, since they ended bursaries and introduced fees. EU applications are the lowest they have ever been, with the uncertainly of Brexit.

Overall, less than 6% of the NHS workforce in England are from EU countries, including about 10% of doctors/surgeons and 7% of nurses. There are also many unskilled workers included in that 6% - health care assistants, porters, cleaning, cooks, etc...
More than 87% of NHS staff are British. The rest are made up of mostly Asian's and African's. Holding 2nd and 3rd place after the 100,000 British staff
are: almost 20,000 Indians and 17,000 Filipino.

Social care is already suffering with the growing aged population, with fewer people willing and able to take care of them. Many EU unskilled workers fill the shortfall.

It's really gonna hit us hard if even 10% of those working here have to leave.
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@DemandingFemale Nursing applications are being rejected because recruitment of European nationals is far less expensive than training British nurses...

If so little of the NHS workforce is from the European union then thank you for backing up my debate that Brexit will not affect our health service.

I'm a little disappointed in your project fear stories as we have seen on here from our learned Europhile that I mean how foreigners will be forced to leave. From what i gather as long as they have gainful employment then there is no appetite from any political party in Westminster to remove them. Maybe you can inform us of what announcement was made that eu nationals would be forcibly removed from the UK?

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@ I read many UK retirees, who retired to areas like Spain,won't be able to get their health care in Spain any more.--they explained.

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@ you're right, we Americans don't know much about it.

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@ So there's no laws yet,or way for those people to stay?and naturalization does not look good?Yow, that's bad.


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..."maybe lousy US news..."
As we often judge others by how we feel about ourselves, is it possible that you think you're lousy?

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@baileyvoss no, just our media is lousy;we really don't trust it,or get much real news from it.its very censored--we have to go online,to get news from all sources.


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Hey clarachan1355!
Thank you for opening this serious thread!
First of all: I love the UK. I used to work in London for more than 4 years and I have family there. I have many friends there and spend every second Xmas with my sister&family in Brighton.
The 23rd of June 2016 was one of the blackest days in post war europe. I remember crying with my sister on the phone that night. ( I mean 2016 was the shiddiest year of this century so far for other reasons as well e.g. David Bowie died) but lets concentrate on brexit.

Total FUGGFACES like Farage and Johnson took personal profit of telling people obvious LIES about the EU. And many british citizens believed them, mixing up "empire greatness" with "Anti EU". ACtually its not so different from the nonsense Trump put in his voters heads.
most busted lies are in this video voiced by famous Stephan Fry

BTW: One day after the referendum the most googled Expression in the UK was "What is the EU" CAN YOU FUGGN IMAGINE: AFTER the referendum , not BEFORE!!!!
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@Adrian∞ You can't compare the US and EU immigration problems;our problem in USA is ILLEGAL immigration,over the legal borders.These people usually NEVER become citizens;they work cheaper than citizens,to get more jobs,so they bring down wages for ALL WORKERS.mEXICANS WHO COME OVER LEGALLY,THRU THE FRONT DOOR,DISLIKE COMPETING WITH mEXICANS WHO ILLEGALLY came over the border.--they are NOT FRIENDS--but competition.We want foreigners to come to the USA,LEGALLY.--all those immigrants who wait years,to come over,legally, get shafted by this.--They have to obey the laws,but illegals do not.SO, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not fair or just.THAT is what we're complaining about.Our ancestors came to America,legally,and that is only just.--thru the front door,so they pay taxes,don't sneak around,or disrespect our fed. laws.You've been listening to people who want OPEN BORDERS FOR ANYONE--any criminal!--illegals are usually criminals,ex-cons,thieves,murderers,pedo philes,and criminal gang-members--drug-dealers.gun-smugglers --you name it.I met some.You would not want these people in your country.,

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@clarachan1355 i am not comparing the EU and US immigration. i am aware this totally different for many reasons. I can work and live whereever i choose to in the EU.
British living all over europe will have trouble to to stay in the countries they have chosen.
Brexit is a big lie appealing to national feelings that are idiotic in the 21st century europe.
Our grandfathers and grand grandfathers fought wars against each other.
THAT is what the EU is about: PEACE. And in theses days when the US totally loose their minds and nationalists in Turkey, Hungary, Beijing, Brazil and elsewhere rise, the EU is momentary the last stand of human standards.
dont get me wrong OF COURSE immigration needs legal rules that need to be followed.
But kicking out millions of people that were tolerated for decades is NOT legalism its simply hate.
And it makes the average US cit think that "the boarder" is the biggest problem. It is not, ignoring treaties and climate change IS.
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@Adrian∞ I can't speak for every "idiot" Brexiteer but considering we have seen a trading bloc transform into a superstars with a flag, anthem, currency, commission, parliament, President, court and open borders...and not once, not once, were we offered a view or opinion. Not once did a party elected to power state in their manifestos that they would sign any proposed or future EU treaties or push for further EU integration.

What may be idiotic to you is a genuine concern to millions who see a close neighbour being told on more than one occasion to vote again because they opposed a plan to further integrate a political union.

As for peace in Europe...I think NATO played more of a part on that than the EU.

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@MarkRowley I cannot speak for every country or person, but I have friends who are German and friends who are French, and they both say that it was a combination of the EU and NATO, but more so the feeling of "We are all the same" of the EU. I was surprised to learn that, to be honest.


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I am so sorry that was the wrong video links
here are the right ones.

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@Adrian∞ MANY SIDED TOPIC; we'll have to see,and i read there NEEDS TO BE an exit-deal,or many innocents get screwed over.

Can they force a Deal?Would there be WAYS?DETAILS,in legal documents,some sharp attorneys could ferret out?---Yes,American legal system, one side would look for "loopholes" and "tiny details,ect."--and use the legal system to LEGALLY get a deal,or else screw the EU in courtrooms.--I'm not an attorney,but i know it happens.

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@clarachan1355 well, i am a lawyer and the problem is as follows:
There was a "good deal" that would have brought the UK in an similar position like Norway, lets call it a "not real member but something like it member" position.
That deal was good & fair and worked out over 2016-2018, being 585 sides long.
Now the REAL trouble began as Premier May could not get Parliament to let that pass.
To avoid catastrophic results for citizens brexit was delayed and delayd and delayed.
The EU is about solidarity and properity ans social standards (against many US idiotic views it is NOT a socialistic welfare project , LOL)
We dont take "revenge" on leavers. We tried to help the UK. We did all we could. Its up to the British voters now, to think if they really want to be turkeys voting for Xmas.

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@Adrian∞ Firstly the catastrophic results you claim will happen are an estimate, just as experts estimated recession and huge problems for the UK if we did not adopt the Euro in the late 90s...not to mention the spending cuts and tax hikes from just voting leave in June 2016. All of which have rung hollow.

We've had high inflation,crecessions, major company going bust, high street chains collapsing and a downturn in the UK car market long before Brexit was ever those standards one could factually argue that being in the EU is not all that it is cracked up to be then...

Experts don't know what a "hard Brexit" will eventually bring considering we were told that that is what a leave vote would bring, you don't, I don't...we can guess but to thwart democracy on scare stories is a sure fire way to future fascism.

A final thought, I don't trust any political union that threatens people that they'll have to revote if they oppose expansion and then forces peoples of nations to vote agsin on referendums because they didn't get the result they wanted. ...
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@MarkRowley Now that is quite nonense. The EU always respected the vote and never did "force" anybody to vote again.
I admit noone really knows what EXACTLY will happen even in case of hard brexit.
But you will have to admit that voters just did not KNOW about the vast complexity of it all.
What about Ireland? What about Scottland? So even if you reckon that really bad consequences just "might" happen, why take the risk? why risking a certain profit in exchange for an uncertain outcome?
For some "national feelings?"
Do you have children? if yes, what do THEY think about Daddys opinion?
The EU Never ever ruled a SINGLE one of its members, it CANT. And in the case of Uk always accepted your tendency to have an ax to the grind.
You dont want the EURO? Fine! we did not care. You want to pay less than the others? fine, we accepted.
but giving up peace in Ireland and threatening not paying national debts is just idiotic TRUMP like.

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@Adrian∞ The complexities is absolutely spot on.

These complexities affect all the people who are not "upper class" with a boat load of personal problems, some so daunting that they must give up the lives they have created and lose nearly everything that is now "home, hearth and family". And, yes, Ireland WILL go back to war if the hard border is enforced. There's no doubt about that. I find that mind numbing to so cavalierly suppose that the one thing that brought peace will now potentially be cast aside. The war in the North hasn't even cooled off from recent memory. It's truly disgraceful.

The EU has helped create peace between countries like France and Germany; it helped pull Ireland out of a mainly poor and impoverished country, to one where people are able to live a better quality of life, ETC.

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@Adrian∞ Ireland twice were told to vote again having rejected EU treaties. France was told via a current commissioner that if they rejected a treaty via a vote then they would have to vote again...they were told they would have to vote again by an EU commissioner. Let that sink in.

Nobody knew the complexity of the original referendum either so thank you for admitting that it should be void, unless of course people only understand things in your eyes when votes get cast your way? I saw no definite guarantees of how the EU would develop or take off yet the risk was taken, again you are admitting that the trading bloc should never have been created in the first place.

This is why you lose arguments when your basis is "It might not work out so don't do it and you're thick if you do".

As for my children's opinion it doesn't have a heck to do with you how I voted or why I voted the way I, or my country did. That's DEMOCRACY. Once you are eligible to vote your vote and views are your own, you have no right to try a very poor tactic of trying to shame me via my children. My children have not paid a fraction of the taxes I have paid so their voice is no more or less important than mine.
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@MarkRowley As for Ireland may I offer a recent quote from the real IRA -

"All this talk of Brexit, hard borders, soft borders, has no bearing on our actions and the IRA won't be going anywhere,"

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@MarkRowley Ireland are a very valid reason it's not going through at the moment.

I don't believe that "quote" because the REAL IRA aren't a group you can get in touch with on the internet. Most terrorists aren't nor will they ever admit planned acts of terrorism.

Having grown up during the Troubles, I can assure you that this is a case where living in it and being in the country where all of this still goes on to a lesser degree today has a lot more weight.

In the end, to cast aside a treaty that ended an active war, is horrific.

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@ My apologies that quote was from the new IRA after they took responsibility for the Derry car bomb...not the real IRA.

The new IRA, as you probably know was formed long after the good Friday deal and roughly four years before brexit. So brexit really hasn't given a voice to Irish terrorists as they were still around. It's a bit like the claims how a company is struggling due to brexit yet remainders tend to overlook that through previous years they were still our car industry and British steel for example.

If anything brexit might lead to a referendum on northern Ireland and could lead to a united Ireland and an end to republican terrorism still happening AFTER the good Friday agreement, where as that wouldn't have happened under the EU. Just a thought...

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@MarkRowley That's true.

I'm honestly most concerned for all the everyday people who get caught in all this backlash of details that weren't explained in plain English.

I don't trust any politician. By nature of the profession they are dishonest. It's all a wait and see thing, for me.

Thanks for the information. smiley

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@ Left or right politicians of all persuasions are self serving sadly.

Personally I have no answers to the Irish border problem, Irish politicians seem to be worse than ours, I think I remember the assembly being suspended for nearly five years during the previous's usually during those times that the "naughtyness" increases and it rings true currently. Sadly those with a violent agenda will always find a cause to continue that cycle whether that be pre-Brexit or post-Brexit.

It's a shame because the people and the country is quite a beautiful place.

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@MarkRowley We do have horrible politicians. They are proper back-stabbing scoundrels who have forgotten their roots.

Although, again, I really don't like or trust any politician. For me it comes down to who do I think will lie the least overall.

I find Irish politicians an utter embarrassment... with the exception of our President, Michael D. Higgins. However, he has limited power. I'm sure you know the Irish President is more of a figure head than other Presidents in other countries. He'd probably be as corrupt and all the others otherwise. LOL

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@ (is this thrread still open?)I am sorry to hear your politicians are as bad as ours in the USA.There seem to be more sex scandels with high ranking politicians here.--but I read the French president divorced and married a lot,and his wife ran away,took a plane,didn't want to come back.Was that the story?And the Democrats especially,in the US,get horrible sex scandels--especially the president.yow!The rest of us don't have the opportunity to screw around,get divorced several times,and get into bad,public,sex scandels.

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@clarachan1355 I don't know where you heard that, about Brigitte Macron. It's pretty far fetched.

I really wasn't talking about sex scandals. I was talking about overall dishonesty and keeping promises politians make to the people they serve and represent.


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@∞Aces∞ LOL that's funny. smiley

EDIT: I didn't know she was special needs, so it's not funny. Sorry.

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@∞Aces∞ don't know much about brexit but i know what a piece of slander against people who believe differently than [the videographer] looks like.

*they were both annoying cυnts btw.

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@uunboundd I guess I didn't take it seriously.

I looks like a joke to me.

I'm sorry. smiley

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@ stop that smiley no apology is necessary and you have every right to laugh when you feel it.

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@uunboundd I appreciate that.

I wouldn't laugh at someone with a disability, though. Although now apparently, the the truth is that they are just a bunch of celebrity seeking YouTube whores, willing to do anything to get a popular vote.


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@ fyi no one can actually hear you laughing online anyway, so 😈

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@∞Aces∞ I read somewhere that a family member of the woman involved stated she was educated in a special needs school and had learning difficulties.

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@MarkRowley Oh dear.

I'm sorry.

I thought it was just a silly joke.

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@ You weren't to know, I only saw it when I was reading about a girl who was having her picture used in memes know the sort, "I can count to potato" etc etc and her mother was upset about was in a link at the bottom. It's the internet though so could be true, might not be.

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@MarkRowley I still appreciate knowing. Thank you.

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@ They are called Brad and Jen, and are professional morons. One of their first videos was of him, apparently, rubbing a chili pepper on one of her tampons before videoing her inserting it and then complaining about her "vagina being on fire" with her crotch in the sink. They've made tons of videos, have a few hundred thousand subscribers/followers, and a booking agent! She might be dim, but she's not that dim.

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@DemandingFemale Oh my god, are you serious?

Well amn't I silly for not having gone and checked that for myself?

No wonder I don't watch much or heed even less YouTube videos.

A video of a woman inserting a chili peppered tampon into her vagina, what a classy couple.


"Professional morons" is elevating them to a higher status then they rightly deserve.

Thanks for telling me that.

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@ They are part of the never ending stream of 'I'll do anything for fame and money' brigade.

It's just a shame that it's those kinda people that end up representing the rest of us around the globe.

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@DemandingFemale What do you mean "represent the rest of us around the globe"?

I don't quite follow?

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@ I mean, because they have followers from all over the world, it gives the impression they are typical Brit's.
They've got about 2.5 million followers on Facebook alone.

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@DemandingFemale Thanks. I wanted to make sure I was understanding your meaning.

I feel the same way about some of the Irish people who put up videos for the world to see.

Cringeworthy and not representative.


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But will the people who ran the country doing to let it happened? That's the real problem; look at France they been more piss off about high taxes. Sh*t was on fire over there & the government just said some crap & at the end of the day the France government did nothing.

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@Raising-freedom Part of that is because the media overplayed it.

I was in Paris and Clermont Ferrand during two of the incidents in January and they (the incidents/demonstrations) were entirely disgraceful to the yellow vests and their cause, not the government.

The "demonstrations" were pure vandalism. Most people (in those regions of France) are completely against the yellow vests that I witnessed, and the media funneled stories to make them look much more catastrophic than they were in reality (having been there).

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@ what happened to the red scarfs?

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