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I'm a Barbie Girl,anyone else? (1175 views, 124 replies)

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I may be older now but when i was a young girl i had a barbie collection.I have to see the new Barbie movie.


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No no no nope noway absodanglutely nuh-ugh nada and negatori on the pinkydink barbie movie dealy0.
But Thx For Asking smiley so sweet. smiley
smiley Tell us whatchoo think when you’ve watched it, k?

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@(⌐■_■) I will give you a holla smiley smiley


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I did play with barbies when I was little I had a barbie and Ken doll. Then I also owned The British version of the barbie doll she was called Sindy. I liked the Sindy doll more. Can you tell me what movie you are referring to. Has it been released yet?

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 The new Barbie movie,not sure if its out yet.



I liked Sindy n GI Joe, i was def NOT a barbie girl, i was a tomboy,
(never liked that expression, i think they got them confused)

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ I was very much a tomboy too. I like playing with boys when I was growing up. I still played with dolls when I was really young. Once I turned 8 I was always outside, fishing, riding my bike etc


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@SimonM Don't know what kids think about that, but it sure confuses me. smiley

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@Buttless It doesn't get any easier, they've had the baby now..

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@Buttless Yep, I thought that.

As did a lot of others.

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@SimonM It has goulies but that looks like girly bits, or is it meant to be tran?

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@Buttless I don't know, it's hard to tell these days, what's in and what's out..

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@SimonM Life used to be simpler.
We knew who we were, and what to put in where.

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@Buttless Eventually Ken will get one of these, I wonder if they'll give him a soft spot for his arsehole at the same time.

Or it might be Barbie who gets it..


@SimonM makes me miss the shapeless bulge

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@SimonM So she's got balls, or he has an inverted twat-penis. smiley Either way, I could not be more confused - might need a map and microscope to sort this.

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@(⌐■_■) Whatever you do, don't ask for a "map" while studying things like that. It no longer has the same meaning.. smiley

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@SimonM smiley Do NOT make me google MAP out of morbid curiosity... eau noe... smiley see what you make people do? smiley

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@(⌐■_■) I didn't make you look! smiley

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@SimonM smiley U KNOW U DID!! smiley
Now bring a flashlight and a magnifying glass over here. We have a demon doll to decifer.

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@(⌐■_■) oh but i love urbans defination of MAP smiley smiley

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@(⌐■_■) Finally your question has been answered.. smiley

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@SimonM Back when i was young the dolls had no genitals.Ya,WTF?

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@Buttless Surely you must realise that this isn't an actual toy??

It was a ploy by the satirical website, Babylon Bee.

Mattel got pretty upset with them and they've since had to make a public apology.

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senior master
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It is called a bonus hole now, that makes everything okay.
Now health professionals are urged to call vaginas 'bonus holes' to avoid offending trans or non-binary patients

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@Buttless shut the front door
is it april fools??

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ Its not April but there are a lot of fools around.
What do women (er, real ones) think about this denigrating language?
Only a few like JK Rowling are speaking up and they get attacked by a very noisy minority.


@Buttless Im a woman, not cis or non man
im ok with those with body dysmorphia, that transition,
edit:(im not saying full surgery but that want to pass as woman or man)
but this new gen fake trans and activists are full of BS
and keep willies/c*cks/penises out of womens sports n safe places
people that cant say there are 2 sexes and what a woman is has mental issues
my opinion

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ have you seen this?
There are 12 likes on my review so a lot of people must agree.


@Buttless yes i made a review too

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@Buttless We're now supposed to consider it a bonus when a woman doesn't have a cock or a beard? What sort of twisted mind comes up with this crap? Does this mean men have a "bonus" cock now, or is that just when it's stiff? smiley

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@SimonM Mine has bonus features.
A very useful navigating device, pointing the way to go.

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@SimonM It is a crazy world now. I can't keep up with all this. I guess I'm being a bigot now?

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 That's ok, bigots are the new normal. smiley


@💛Yellow_rose1💛 anyone with normal ideas are a TERF bigot and transphob, so you are not alone, join the club smiley

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 im here in the same boat as you smiley

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@Buttless BONUS HOLE? smiley

(Stay away from my ears.)

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@(⌐■_■) we can't say VJ any more, it might embarrass someone.
But bonus hole sounds like a special offer.... buy one, get a free bonus hole!


@Buttless i once made the mistake and googled Mangina, don't do it!!
i was young and innocent (40) smiley

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ yer gonna hate goatsee, js smiley

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@Buttless Too good to be true,Ah maybe for some!

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@Buttless Seriously.I just read some of that ?? smiley

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Snopes says it's BS. Here's what happened. One charity event... ONE. Listed two ridiculous possible alternate labels for vagina. And some ultra conservative trumpleton crazy saw this and then went ranting everywhere they could on sites that trumpletons frequent. Which got them all riled up again over nothing, and panicking. It was one instance at one event, not some widespread policy change or even a suggestion for one. Just some idiot making a suggestion, who should probably be fired.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ The pregnant Ken doll is another hoax by the satirical website Babylon Bee.

Mattel owns everything barbie related and they aren't eager to have any of this attributed to them.

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@Buttless HOAX: It was one charity in the UK that suggested it [as an alternative], and the media went ape-sh*t exaggerating it. It was never a wide spread health mandate.

No health professional is going to refer to the anatomical part of the woman know as the vagina as a "bonus hole".

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@DontSpeak Yet they fall for this BS propaganda every time. Kind of shows the IQ level of the average trumpleton, doesn't it. lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ I agree about the lack of research, but I won't use your label for the reason that it's dangerous and inaccurate to label groups of people.

It's the same thing that's being done on this thread, you know?

(I also don't believe they all (on this thread) have that particular affiliation. Sadly, people are just easily led by anything and nothing in particular, without searching for the truth/facts).

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@DontSpeak I accept your thing... that you said. And respect it. but Imma still call racists, bigots, misogynists, xenophobes, etc etc... trumpletons. Works for me. But I understand why you don't like it.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ That expansion is perfect. smiley smiley

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@DontSpeak Awww nuts, extra holes is not even a THING? Now I gotta return the EAR MUFFS I got for my sex biz idea. Daggumit!



when i was babysitting a lot of kids had my little pony,
now theres Poopsie, the unicorn sh*tting slime glitter poopsmiley

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ they have all kinds of kids toys pooping now! smiley


@tyetoes weirdest thing smiley


senior guru
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Men in dresses - I hear windmills falling over.

Miss Netherlands 2023: Rikkie Valerie Kolle wins the title as first transgender model. Know all about her here

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@BoonEvil She is beautiful.Im not against transgender. I just feel that our kids need to wait to change their bodies.

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@tyetoes I may be mistaken, however, I believe that is a man, pretending to be female. Seems fine for costume parties and ribald gatherings of lascivious adults, though replacing women with effeminate men seems to be counter productive to the roles of women in society.


@BoonEvil looks like Rikkie is really dysmorphic and a "real" transwoman
working as a model, where everything is about looks,
Rikkie is passing as female in make up
I have no issues with this

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ Real transwoman, perchance, that's an unintentional oxymoron and I am not intentionally inflecting a gaucherie commentary on your response. smiley

However, on the other paw; It is welcome to note that females are accepting their place in the social hierarchy where men are superior to them as both men and real transwomen as men pretending to be women, surpass and displace formerly real women. smiley

All men sincerely thank you for that admission of submission to the unnatural order being established as we move forward into that brave new global frontier. smiley

Perhaps I can offer a Lovense Lush as a compensation for your loss in the evolution of MANkind


@BoonEvil real as in an individual with an mental illness, that transition to pass as a woman or man,
not a transtrender, transactivist or what ever they call themself
AND Nothing i said accepts they are superior, they just are
but they are NOT women, they are transwomen
and therefore not to be in womens sports, if thats where you are going?

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ In a retrospective blush,your statement I transposed as affirmation confirmation, I offer a weak but sincere apology for misinterpreting your intent. The incessant nihilism promulgated by the transgender proponents is malodorous, my apologies.


@BoonEvil i accept smiley,
i actually have no clue how these "new" adds are accepted as trans?
they are not transitioning?
they are aggressive, hating on gay, lesbians for having sexual preference,
screaming TERF, bigot and transphob after anyone disagreeing with them
i also dont get why a mental illness can become an ideology?
world is crazy

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ Madness! my assumption is nullification of societal norms conjoined with disenfranchisement of the working / contributing classes structure - in short complete revocation of existing society.

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@BoonEvil im a bit confused?

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@tyetoes As am I, rather more frequently, as the outré of transgender accession bludgeons unremittingly any who dispute its validity.

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@BoonEvil I swear I'm reading: ''Boon got a new Thesaurus and a doobie today.''

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@tyetoes Bigots have taken over the thread.
Just ignore them.
They tend to be afraid of anything they don't understand. Me, I just look at whether someone is a nice person or not. That is enough. Should be that way for everyone, but it's just not a perfect world.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ No kidding, it did so and quickly.

Gender dysphoria, transsexualism, transvestites, is not a mental illness to begin, second all that bias nonsense for calling your anatomical parts their correct names sounds like a lot of media driven hysteria supported by those who are intentionally driving the "us vs them" wedge deeper into whoever will listen and not seek out the truth.

Erroneously calling people mentally ill like that is not OK. When I saw that, it really made me feel sick.

As far as dolls that did a pee, I had one. That's a long time ago, too. The unicorns crapping glitter has been a long running joke, and I actually had a model horse that did fake poop.

Thanks for looking up that other bit with Snopes.

This thread is pretty gross, to be honest.

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@DontSpeak Gross like a lot of particular members on here. I just refer to them all as trumpletons. Easier to keep track of. smiley


@BoonEvil i wonder how many guys that was "entertained" by Tula Cossey back in 1981??
in 1981, Caroline (Tula) Cossey,
a transgender English model,
appeared in a Playboy and she was a Bond girl “For Your Eyes Only”

edit: she was after Outed by english tabloids

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@Buttless Oh i loved this song back in the day. I wanted a barbie valley girl ...or boy

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@Raising-freedom I remember it being played incessantly on the radio.
It was funny the first couple of times but became one of those irritating things that makes people change channel.

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@Buttless Lol it was on a lot. They so over played it


senior guru
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I like the song when i was a kid. But i never got into collecting them. I remembered a barbie cartoon movie about her young sister & her on a pony farm...or something.Man, i was like 7 or 9. It was on cartoon network or the Disney channel. It was good. Feel good friendship kinda stuff. I thought power rangers was better & anime. I'm happy the new barbie movie been made. It's going to make a lot of people happy

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@Raising-freedom I watched so many barbie movies with my daughter when she was young.I miss that time.i did have a barbie collection,when i was a young girl.I am interested to see the new interpretation of

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@tyetoes I know it was some good memories. I miss a lot of stuff from the past too. It's cool you had a collection. I used to collected yu-gi-Oh cards.It's like baseball card; but it's monsters from a cartoon. I hope the new barbie movie will be good. The preview looked great. It serms really funny.

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@Raising-freedom You are very nice,thank you.i would like to see the human-like version,after watching so many animated movies of Barbie.

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@tyetoes Oh thank you very much. You're super nice as well. I have a good feeling about this movie. It's movie time then bed for me. It's been good talking to you, bye

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@tyetoes It's here!

I hope you enjoy it. smiley

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@DontSpeak oh,wow,thanx


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The movie has landed in our theater and girls are dressing in barbiesque fashion and gathering in the town square before the shows, and its kinda cute. NOT A SINGLE KEN OUTFIT THO 🤔 JUST A BUNCH OF EMBARASSED BOYFRIENDS.

Awww, lighten yer loafers fellas.💓🧔‍♂️💕

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@(⌐■_■) oh really?aww.Kinda like us madonna girls:)

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@tyetoes I know right!? Certainly a throwback to Rocky Horror Picture Show too. I'm not a barbie gurl... but dang I LOVE the girls that are cosplaying the film. Adorbz fer sher!!

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@(⌐■_■) i havent seen the movie ,yet smiley

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@tyetoes Start gathering stuff for your Outfit, and don't forget the pony tail! smiley

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@(⌐■_■) Hey, get with the program!
Us fellas are dressing up as barbies now, so stop calling us boyfriends.
And we condemn cis-women for whatever made them think they had a monopoly on bonus holes.


@Buttless Ill be the preggo Ken then,,, well short preggo Ken

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ I'm sure you will look beautiful.
Just not sure who I'm meant to be attracted to anymore.
Ah, life used to be so simple!


@Buttless oh im still sure who im attracted to smiley


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Fox News took the new ‘Barbie rage’ to a whole diff level though.


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@SimonM someone non strapped outside marital bed smiley

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Barbie has had just about e’nuff of everybodys shyt… in:

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@(⌐■_■) That is soo good smiley smiley smiley smiley


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smiley *not far e’nuff! smiley


senior master
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Forget the cinema popcorn, take some Doritos!

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@Buttless smileysmileysmiley
be careful what you wish for....

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@Buttless That last push and squeal tho! smiley

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@(⌐■_■) what did Forrest Gump say?
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get..


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Yup, I'm a "Barbie girl". Barely eight years old, one day I decided to tie up my Barbies. I let the Kens order them around. I loved it. smiley

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@tangerinedream ...and in that moment, Tangerindream was born! smiley smiley



my Barbies never came with those accessoires

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@🤸🏻‍♀️Suisen🤸🏻‍♀️ I think Don has a collection like that smiley


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Speaking of collectibles, I did not know this:


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Russia has banned Barbie.
See what the official Russian media says about it.

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@Buttless Ugh Oh! Now they've rly messed up... betcha riots break out when their gen'z kids find out they don't get to see BARBIE when the rest of the world can?! 👀 LOL - yeah that outta be spiffy.


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i would like to share my only Barbie experience. I have three sisters and they all shared quite a big Barbie pool of Barbie stuff (horses, cars, Kens - in that order etc.). When i was 11-12 and a certain suspicion inside me reinforced, that there was something of great fun reserved to adults: Sex.
I took Barbie and Ken, undressed them, found out the had no genitals and still decided to play intercourse with them. I soon got bored and left the two in a explicit naked position. In my lil sisters room.
5 minutes later my mom came in and blamed me for playing "naughty stuff" with the dolls.
indignant i answered: " I am a boy, i dont play with Barbie. Thats for girls!"
That instantly made sense to her. My older sister had to take the blame.
I love Babie. Create a biologically correct version.

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@Adrian∞ Like this?

or this?

or something old-fashioned?


senior master
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The only Barbie for me. smiley

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